Product Description
Manually finding drivers for Windows takes forever. And sometimes you still don’t find what you need. Driver Easy changes all that…
It scans your computer, tells you what drivers are missing or outdated, then downloads them all, in one go. All you have to do is click your mouse button 3 times! Then, once they’re downloaded, just click Install on each, and you’re done.
Speakers not working? Printer misbehaving? Seeing everything big and distorted on your monitor? These problems and many more are usually caused by missing or outdated drivers. (The software that lets your computer talk to the hardware that’s plugged into it.)
With Driver Easy you can fix your problems with just a few mouse clicks.
Huge Driver Database
Driver Easy, supported by over 3,000,000 Driver Database with Daily Driver Updates, keeps all drivers in your computer up-to-date so that to maximize PC performance. With Driver Easy, you never need to worry about installing an incorrect or out-of-date driver, Driver Easy database ensures you always get the latest official driver.
Keep Existing Drivers Up-to-Date, Fix Driver Issues
Using Driver Easy, you would never have to spend hours trying to find drivers at random sites on the Internet. Driver Easy just takes several minutes to update all drivers in your computer. Driver Easy is designed for saving your time and fixing any related headache driver issues.
Safety Offline Scan
Driver Easy provides you safety Offline Scan for offline computers. Driver Easy lets you save a driver analysis file on a computer without an Internet connection, and helps you to download driver from an Internet-enabled computer. Offline Scan feature provides you an easy and fast way to locate the most accurate network driver for your computer.
Drivers Backup & Restore
Backup & Restore features in Driver Easy, offer a professional solution for device drivers’ backup and restoration in Windows operating system. It identifies all the hardware in the system, extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a secure location. Backing up your driver is extremely useful and plays a vital role during any data disaster situation. Meanwhile, this is a benefit feature if you are not sure whether the new driver is compatible for your system or not, you can backup existing driver, and roll-back it later.
Download Windows Update more faster
Starting from Driver Easy 4.0, we have added a new Windows Update tool to Driver Easy. With the smart download server picker, and 2 ~ 5 concurrency download, Driver Easy lets you download and install windows update faster than ever.
Uninstall Removed Hardware Driver
When you replace the new graphic card, do you know Windows still keep current driver, and will launch it each time when Windows start up. This will cause the system boot up slowly, and what’ s worst, it may cause systems conflict. Driver Uninstall feature in Driver Easy allows you to uninstall the removed hardware and clean up your system.
Technical Customer Support
Driver Easy Technical Customer Support provides further assistance to assist customers regarding driver issues. Support group would analyze complex situation and find solution fast for you. Every inquiry you make is guaranteed to be replied soon by our technical support.
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